to individualize (v.) , [ individualized ; individualized ]
relevante Treffer
to allow (v.) , [ allowed ; allowed ]
to ear-mark (v.)
to lay down (v.)
to stipulate (v.)
to set (v.)
to identify (v.)
to itemize (v.)
to fix (v.)
to pinpoint (v.)
to determine (v.)
to define (v.)
to be devoted (v.)
to consign (v.)
to consecrate (v.) , [ consecrated ; consecrated ]
to dedicate (v.) , [ dedicated ; dedicated ]
خصص {مالاً إلخ}
to devote (v.) , [ devoted ; devoted ]
to specialize (v.) , [ specialized ; specialized ]
to specify (v.) , [ specified ; specified ]
to earmark (v.)
خصص {مالاً إلخ}
to destine (v.)
خَصَّصَ {مالًا إلخ}
to specialize (v.) , {Bildung}
to specify (v.) , {relations}